Top 5 Ways To Improve Communication And Vocabulary For IPMAT 

Improve your Vocabulary

Learn Words Through Mnemonic  In this method, we associate words with a mnemonic to remember the definition and proper use. For example, “Adage” means wise saying (proverb); we can associate adage with age, as wise saying comes with age. 

Clustering Technique  Learning words in groups or clusters, like clusters of words, means almost the same but differ in intensity. For example, Abhor, Detest, Hate, Loathe, and Abominate are related to dislike with different intensities. 

Words Etymology  One of the best ways to learn vocabulary for IPMAT, DU JAT, NPAT & CUET is by understanding the given the word and the root of the word. This means every given the word is formed of a root to which we can add suffixes and prefixes to form new words. 

Visual Recognition  We, as humans, can recall those things that we have seen visually and for a longer period of time. You will always remember phrases that make you think of anything aesthetically beautiful. 

newspaper    Read the newspaper  regularly for about 1-1.5 hours, preferably from the editorial section of The Hindu, Times of India, or Decan Herald within the specified limit, to prepare you for the time management required in the exam. 

Apart from academic books, reference books like Word coach Made Easy by Normal Lewis, and Martin English Grammar and Composition would provide you with a plus point in the Verbal Ability section. 

Try to learn at least ten new words daily and note down the meaning and example of each word you find unfamiliar or difficult to remember. This is the best way to cover Synonyms and Antonyms. 

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