Top 7 countries with the highest average IQ


Singapore consistently ranks among the top countries with the highest average IQ scores. Its strong education system and emphasis on academic excellence contribute to its high intelligence quotient.

Hong Kong

Known for its rigorous education system, Hong Kong is another country with a high average IQ. The education system focuses on critical thinking, problem-solving, and advanced mathematics, contributing to its intellectual achievements.

South Korea

South Korea is recognized for its emphasis on education and has consistently shown high scores in IQ tests. Its culture of valuing education and intense competition in academics contributes to its high average IQ.


Japan has a reputation for its advanced technological advancements and scientific achievements. Its education system is highly regarded, emphasizing discipline, diligence, and intellectual pursuits.


Taiwan is known for its strong education system, particularly in the fields of science and mathematics. Its population's high average IQ can be attributed to the value placed on education and the emphasis on critical thinking skills.


Germany has a long-standing reputation for its contributions to scientific research and innovation. With a strong emphasis on education and a culture that values intellectual pursuits, it consistently ranks among the countries with high average IQ.


The Netherlands is recognized for its excellent education system and emphasis on individual development and critical thinking. It consistently performs well in global education rankings, contributing to its high average IQ.

It's important to note that IQ scores can vary over time and may not necessarily reflect the overall intelligence or capabilities of a population. Additionally, measuring intelligence is a complex subject, and IQ tests have limitations in capturing the entirety of human intelligence and potential.