Types of Adverbs 

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Types of adverbs 

There are different types of adverbs expressing different meanings. Generally, adverbs tell us how, where, when, how much and with what frequency. 

List of adverbs in English with different types and examples. 

Adverb of Frequency 

never, usually, seldom, rarely/hardly ever, occasionally, always, sometimes, often/frequently, generally/normally , etc. 


1. I have never seen the soul withdrawn without a struggle with the body. 2. The Moon-gravity is normally approximately one-sixth the gravity of Earth. 

Adverb of Manner 

cheerfully, easily, well, fast, efficiently, painfully, secretly, quietly, peacefully, carefully, slowly, badly, closely, quickly, etc. 


1. They all descended from the hill and came on slowly towards us. 2. If you have employees, you need to know where they are really fast.

Adverb of Place

off, above, abroad, down, far, on, away, back, here, out, outside, backwards, behind, in, below, indoors, downstairs, there, everywhere, etc. 


1. Clearly, there aren’t any leprechauns here. 2. In Ireland, there are thatched-roof cottages everywhere

Adverb of Degree

quite, fairly, too, enormously, entirely, very, extremely, rather, almost, absolutely, just, barely, completely, enough, etc. 


1. He is extremely talented. 2. All I know is what I read in the paper, which I know is always totally, absolutely accurate. 

Adverb of Certainty

probably, apparently, clearly, obviously, definitely, doubtfully, doubtlessly, presumably, undoubtedly, etc. 


1. It definitely has a haunting kind of quality to it, as all of his music does. 2. There is probably no person living of whom the same is not true. 

Adverbs of Attitude 

seriously, frankly, unbelievably, fortunately, honestly, hopefully, interestingly, luckily, sadly, surprisingly, etc. 


1. A pure toss up whether he pulls round or not; luckily he has a frame of iron. 2. I think mascots can be a part of all emotions, and hopefully emotions that stand for love and change. 

Adverbs of Judgement 

bravely, carelessly, fairly, foolishly, generously, kindly, rightly, spitefully, stupidly, unfairly, wisely, wrongly, etc. 


1. My wife had rightly told me, Sir, that you were a very clever and honest man. 2. I think it also is going to take an Act of Congress, which is fairly hard to accomplish. 

Conjunctive Adverb (Linking adverb) 

anyway, indeed, finally, besides, comparatively, similarly, conversely, equally, further, etc.


1. I don’t want to go; besides, I’m too tired. 2. Furthermore, they had not consulted with her. 

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