US offers different R-1 visa for religious workers

There are various requirements for those who want to get the R-1 visa as religious workers. This is due to the fact that there are various religions in the world and not all of them could be widespread and established in the US. Because of that, there are requirements both for the person applying for the R-1 visa, as well as for the organization that hires the applicant.

What are the requirements for the R-1 visa?

The person who is applying for the R-1 visa must fulfill the following conditions:


Be a member of a religion for the past two years


The religion must have a non-profit organization in the US


Find a job in the non-profit religious organization, or an organization affiliated with the religion


The applicant must be a minister or a person working directly in the religious occupation


The applicant must commit to working at least 20 hours per week (part-time)


The applicant must not work in other positions except in their religious capacity

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