WH Questions Words

List of questions words - Who - What - When - Where - Why - How - Which - Whose


Usage WHO is used to ask the person who did the action.

Examples: Who is your partner? Who is the Present of Brazil? Who will be the winner?


Usage WHAT is used to ask for information. 

Examples: What dress are you wearing tonight? What is the Capital of Brazil? What did they do last night?


Usage WHEN is used to ask the time of an event/action. 

Examples: When did you go last night? When will they come? When does Anna arrive? When can I see you again?


Usage WHERE is used to ask for the location.  

Examples: Where is the school? Where were the keys? Where do you live? Where are we going?


Usage WHY is used to ask for a reason/cause

Examples: Why he didn’t come? Why did you break the glass? Why haven’t you called? Why did Alex leave?


Usage HOW is used to explain a process

Examples: How do you do? How do you learn English? How has the weather been? How was your mother?


Usage WHICH is used when there is a choice

Examples: Which ingredients do you need to make an apple pie? Which author do you enjoy? Which river is longer, the Nile or the Amazon?


Usage WHOSE is used to show possession.

Examples: Whose keys are these? Whose book is on the table? Whose child is this that has a cough? Whose bag is this?

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