Sound can be described in terms of its properties and characteristics such as pitch, intensity, duration, timbre, and texture, or musical properties such as rhythm, melody, and harmony. Sound can also be described with analogies to senses, concepts, and things.
List Of Words To Describe Sounds
Words Start with A
- Abrasive
- Airy
- Alarming
- Antagonistic
- Appalling
- Asymmetric
- Atmosphere
- Atonal
- Audible
- Awful
Words Start with B
- Balanced
- Bass
- Beating
- Beautiful
- Bitter
- Blast
- Blood-curdling
- Blustering
- Boisterous
- Bone-chilling
- Boom
- Booming
- Bouncy
- Brassy
- Breathy
- Bright
- Broken
- Buzz
Words Start with C
- Cacophony
- Cadence
- Calm
- Chaotic
- Character
- Cheerful
- Cheery
- Chiming
- Clamorous
- Clap
- Clear
- Cliche
- Clicking
- Clinking
- Coarse
- Cohesive
- Colorful
- Complex
- Concordant
- Constant
- Continuous
- Cracking
- Crashing
- Creepy
- Crescendo
- Crisp
- Croaky
- Crunch
- Crunchy
Words Start with D
- Dark
- Daunting
- Dead
- Deafening
- Decrescendo
- Deep
- Delicate
- Dense
- Depth
- Detectable
- Diminishing
- Discernible
- Discordant
- Disembodied
- Disharmonic
- Disjointed
- Distant
- Distinct
- Drip
- Droning
- Drumming
- Dry
- Dulcet
- Dull
- Dynamic
Words Start with E
- Ear-piercing
- Ear-splitting
- Echo
- Eerie
- Elegant
- Emotive
- Erratic
- Euphonious
- Evocative
- Explosive
- Expressive
- Exquisite

Words Start with F
- Fade-in
- Fade-out
- Faint
- Fast
- Fearsome
- Feeling
- Flat
- Flavor
- Forceful
- Fragmented
- Frantic
- Friendly
- Frightening
- Fruity
- Full
Words Start with G
- Gentle
- Graceful
- Grating
- Gravelly
- Grinding
- Groan
- Groaning
- Growing
- Gruff
- Gurgling
- Guttural
Words Start with H
- Hair-raising
- Happy
- Harmonic
- Harmonious
- Harsh
- Haunting
- Heavenly
- Heavy
- High
- High-pitched
- Hiss
- Hollow
- Honeyed
- Horrifying
- Howl
- Howling
- Hum
- Humming
- Hushed
- Husky
- Hypnotic
Words Start with I
- Impact
- Improvised
- Inaudible
- Indistinct
- Industrial
- Instrumental
- Intense
- Intrusive
- Invigorating
- Irregular
Words Start with J
- Jarring
- Jingle
- Joyful
- Joyous
Words Start with K
- Knocking
Words Start with L
- Layered
- Likable
- Lively
- Loud
- Lovable
- Lovely
- Low
- Lush

Words Start with M
- Magical
- Meek
- Mellifluous
- Mellow
- Melodic
- Melodious
- Midrange
- Monotonic
- Monotonous
- Mood
- Mournful
- Moving
- Muffled
- Murmur
- Musical
- Muted
- Mysterious
Words Start with N
- Nasal
- Natural
- Nearby
- Nerve-racking
- Nimble
- Noiseless
- Noisy
- Nostalgic
Words Start with O
- Odd
- Offbeat
- Ornate
- Orotund
- Overtone
Words Start with P
- Peaceful
- Penetrating
- Perceptible
- Percussive
- Periodic
- Petrifying
- Piercing
- Pitch
- Pleasant
- Pleasing
- Plummy
- Polluted
- Polyphonic
- Pounding
- Powerful
- Pulsating
- Pulsing
- Punch
- Pure
- Purring
Words Start with Q
- Quiet
- Quivering
Words Start with R
- Range
- Rapid
- Rasp
- Raspy
- Rattle
- Raucous
- Recognizable
- Refined
- Regular
- Relaxing
- Repetitive
- Resonant
- Resounding
- Restful
- Revving
- Rhythmic
- Rich
- Ring
- Ringing
- Riotous
- Ripple
- Roar
- Rough
- Rowdy
- Rumble
- Rumbling
- Rush
- Rustling
Words Start with S
- Scary
- Scream
- Screaming
- Screech
- Screeching
- Scrunch
- Serene
- Sexy
- Sharp
- Shattering
- Shriek
- Shrieking
- Shrill
- Sibilant
- Signature
- Silent
- Silvery
- Singsong
- Sinister
- Sizzle
- Sizzling
- Sloppy
- Slow
- Smoky
- Smooth
- Snap
- Snort
- Soft
- Soft-spoken
- Sonorous
- Soothing
- Sorrowful
- Sotto voce
- Soundless
- Sour
- Spine-chilling
- Spine-tingling
- Spooky
- Sporadic
- Squawking
- Squeal
- Stamp
- Static
- Steady
- Still
- Strangled
- Strong
- Structured
- Stylish
- Sultry
- Supple
- Suppressed
- Surreal
- Sweet
- Swoosh
- Symbolic

Words Start with T
- Talking
- Tapping
- Tasteful
- Taut
- Tearing
- Temperature
- Tempo
- Tenor
- Terrifying
- Textured
- Thick
- Thin
- Throaty
- Throbbing
- Thrum
- Thud
- Thump
- Thunderous
- Tick
- Timbre
- Tinge
- Tint
- Tone
- Toneless
- Tranquil
- Treble
- Trembling
- Tumultuous
- Tuned
- Tuneful
- Tuneless
- Twang
Words Start with U
- Ultrasonic
- Uncanny
- Uncommon
- Undisturbed
- Unearthly
- Unending
- Unhappy
- Uniform
- Unintelligible
- Unmusical
- Unnerving
- Unpredictable
- Uproarious
Words Start with V
- Vague
- Velocity
- Vibrant
- vocal
- Vociferous
- Voiceless
Words Start with W
- Wail
- Warm
- Weird
- Welcoming
- Wheezy
- Whine
- Whirr
- Whisper
- Wild
- Wobbly
- whoosh