abashed [adjective]

Definition of abashed:

Feeling embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.

Synonyms of abashed:

Opposite/Antonyms of abashed:

Sentence/Example of abashed:

She felt abashed when she realized she had mispronounced his name.

He was abashed by the loud applause for his unplanned speech.

The child looked abashed after being scolded by his teacher.

She was abashed when she spilled coffee on her new dress.

He was abashed to find himself the center of attention.

Despite the mistake, he refused to be abashed and continued his presentation.

She seemed abashed by the unexpected compliment.

The student was abashed when his phone rang in the silent classroom.

He looked abashed after forgetting their anniversary.

The waiter was abashed after dropping the tray of dishes.