abominate [Verb]

Definition of abominate:

To detest or loathe intensely.

Synonyms of abominate:

Opposite/Antonyms of abominate:

Sentence/Example of abominate:

She abominates cruelty to animals.

They abominate each other, refusing to be in the same room.

He abominates the idea of cheating in exams.

The citizens abominated the corrupt government.

She abominates waking up early in the morning.

The child abominates eating vegetables.

He abominated the new company policies.

The employees abominated the decision to cut their benefits.

She abominates having to wait in long lines.

The community abominates littering in the park.

He abominates being lied to.

They abominate the oppressive regime.

She abominates the use of violence in any form.

He abominates the constant noise in the city.

The students abominated the strict rules imposed by the school.

She abominates the taste of bitter medicine.

He abominated the thought of being unemployed.

The team abominated the loss of their star player.

She abominates the smell of cigarette smoke.

He abominates being interrupted during a conversation.