Acquiescences [noun]

Definition of Acquiescences:

reluctant agreement

Synonyms of Acquiescences:

Opposite/Antonyms of Acquiescences:

Sentence/Example of Acquiescences:

It is not simply acquiescing in that Covenant in the heart, but signifying that acquiescence in a positive service.

It is the definite exercise of giving acquiescence to that Covenant in its whole character.

Inasmuch as gracious capacities lead to acquiescence in what God requires.

Bowing again in silent acquiescence, the white-haired servant closed the door and left her.

Tatsu rose instantly, though the gesture was far from giving an effect of acquiescence.

He paused, but she stood motionless, without giving him any sign of acquiescence or even of attention.

Mangouit smiled his acquiescence, and we left him, in the hopes that he would at least change his linen.

He knew she was quite capable of handling the punt, even in the rapids, so he merely growled his acquiescence.

A general shout proclaimed the acquiescence of the other seamen in this act of retributive justice.

"Never you mind—and don't you tell Mr. Hale," and June in dumb acquiescence crossed heart and body.