Acreages [noun]

Definition of Acreages:


Synonyms of Acreages:

Opposite/Antonyms of Acreages:


Sentence/Example of Acreages:

The Rule protects about 9 million acres in the Tongass, including the the majority of the region’s remaining productive old growth which amounts to a small percent of the total acreage safeguarded.

This drop follows four consecutive years of US farmers more than doubling their hemp acreage annually.

As of August, US farmers have reported slashing the planted acreage of the crop by 67%, from 137,000 acres in 2019 to 45,000 acres, according to newly released data from the US Department of Agriculture.

So, even though we’re trying to control by reducing the acreage, there continues to be increasing production and surpluses don’t go down.

The major inequity between the north and south is park acreage, with parkland in the northern communities meeting, and sometimes exceeding, city park acreage standards, while the urbanized communities south of I-8 are sorely deficient.

At low water this is nothing more than a huge acreage of mud, with quicksands beneath.

The tide was out at that time, and the banks of the Orwell are to this day a marvellous acreage of muddy foreshore at low water.

The acreage, though considerable, is not overwhelming, and there is a range of wild country of endless charm.

My object will be to obtain a farm of large acreage and poor land, but improvable by better drainage and an outlay of capital.

It is considered a good corn land, but is too light-textured for wheat, although a considerable acreage is devoted to this crop.