Adaptabilities [noun]

Definition of Adaptabilities:


Synonyms of Adaptabilities:

Opposite/Antonyms of Adaptabilities:


Sentence/Example of Adaptabilities:

Sheet-pan suppers are the easy and adaptable way to get dinner on the table fastAlong with the turkey is a stuffing-roasted veg mash-up featuring large, hand-torn croutons and cubes of sweet potato.

Sheet-pan suppers are the easy and adaptable way to get dinner on the table fastScale and get a printer-friendly version of the recipe here.

This conspiracy theory has become a favored topic among misinformation researchers because of all the ways it has remained extensible, adaptable, and resilient in the face of platform companies’ efforts to quarantine and remove it.

They’re flexible and adaptable to different behavior toward them.

“There has never been a community where their participants are as adaptable,” he said.

The founders of tech-forward healthcare startups Color and Carbon Health explained their approach in one panel, emphasizing that the startup mindset is a resilient and adaptable one.

Only some would be immediately suitable for a Martian environment, and others that are adaptable would need time to redevelop and test.

The mantra guiding Rolls-Royce in the development of the Cullinan and its adaptable air suspension system is “Effortless Everywhere.”

While it’s not clear what this means for the krill, he says, “This is the type of rapid change that a lot of animals, blue whales included, will have to be adaptable to in order to survive.”

Invest in on-page SEO analysis techniques and you will remain relevant, adaptable, and visible in a digital landscape that is ever-changing.