Adieus [noun]

Definition of Adieus:

parting remark or action

Synonyms of Adieus:

Opposite/Antonyms of Adieus:

Sentence/Example of Adieus:

His father, who had been jailed in 1990, kissed the forehead of another son before bidding him a final adieu.

On estoit sur le poinct de faire tabagie ou convive solemnel sur son dernier adieu.

She said adieu to them all very reluctantly, when she returned to the gay Court life at a still early age.

Henriette, finding all her entreaties in vain, sadly bade her adieu, and was never permitted to see her more.

I was sorry to leave the count, but was afraid some alarm might be felt at home concerning us, and therefore bade him adieu.

Adieu, ye lonely banks of the Saône, whose wild beauty could fill my heart with such deep delight.

With a prevision that something was wrong, he said a word of adieu to Mrs. Ashton, went down, and met the man outside.

The count thereupon left his position by the fireplace and going up to her, said: "Adieu, madame."

While at Donibristle he had been able to frequently visit his parents; the time had now come when he must bid them adieu.

The couple prolonged this painful embrace a few moments, as if it were a last adieu.