Afara [adverb]
Definition of Afara:
a great distance away
Sentence/Example of Afara:
From afar their lives look lush and full, surrounded by beautiful people in beautiful places, simply because the job demands it.
They can also be delayed to accommodate the needs and considerations of close relatives traveling in from afar.
The program was initially approved in 2016 as a way to dim lights from afar and save on energy costs while counting cars and collecting environmental data.
You can also look for local businesses you can support from afar, or see if you can volunteer for a non-profit like the Red Cross.
With employees working remotely for the last several months and productivity levels still on par with normal in-person activities, agency executives say that they are changing their minds on having employees work from afar.
They sat in the hall and cried; the black-haired boy looking on from afar.
At this point Harry entered and stood afar off, eying Punch, a disheveled heap in the corner of the room, with disgust.
In France these reports would have been impersonal messages arriving from afar.
All who are in him, though once like those, who were sometimes afar off, are made nigh by his blood.
Behold these shall come from afar, and behold these from the north and from the sea, and these from the south country.