Afflatuses [noun]
Definition of Afflatuses:
idea, stimulus
Synonyms of Afflatuses:
● Insight
● Genius
● Vision
● Whim
● Hunch
● Fancy
● Motive
● Flash
● Approach
● Muse
● Rumble
● Animus
● Impulse
● Spark
● Spur
● Thought
● Notion
● Arousal
● Inflatus
Sentence/Example of Afflatuses:
He had received from somewhere new afflatus for the story of Tom and Huck, and was working on it steadily.
It is simply a tenaqueous bag of wind, yet it has occasionally given an impulse to the divine afflatus.
Lie down on the dusty shingle above high water mark, take off my hat, and abandon myself to the Divine Afflatus.
The afflatus of liberty sat upon the people as cloven tongues.
So it seems that our poet drank in the divine afflatus, as it were, with his mother's milk.
There's no question of the divine afflatus; that belongs to another sphere of life.
Suddenly the afflatus descends; there is no mistaking that glare, or those frantic leaps.
Hence evidently the tripod, the priest, the priestess inspired by the divine afflatus.
"I don't know whether I'd be able to discuss that divine afflatus with you or not," returned Lester, with a touch of grim humor.
Dr. Johnson was very often chiefly indebted to tea for his literary afflatus.