Agitatedly [adverb]

Definition of Agitatedly:


Synonyms of Agitatedly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Agitatedly:


Sentence/Example of Agitatedly:

This time there was a faint scream in answer and a mauve-and-white bonnet bobbed agitatedly up the road.

Her hand groped out behind her, found the table-cloth and began to scratch it agitatedly.

When Lise had gone out Janet sat down in the rocking-chair and began to rock agitatedly.

She flicked her thumb agitatedly on the back of her mother's chair.

Under the stars of the blue summer night he walked agitatedly across the yard to the gate under the poplars.

Once more the pink-stockinged ankle began to swing agitatedly, and again reckless Bob narrowly escaped a slap in the face.

Clapping both hands to his head, he broke loose from the solicitous rescuers and ran agitatedly around in circles.

Again Hiram opened his mouth agitatedly, and his eyebrows wrinkled in pained surprise.

"You are quite right in both suspicions, Mr. Cleek," put in the major agitatedly.

He spoke disjointedly and agitatedly; but at his words, Clodagh turned to him afresh with a grateful, impulsive movement.