Amphitheaters [noun]

Definition of Amphitheaters:


Synonyms of Amphitheaters:

Opposite/Antonyms of Amphitheaters:


Sentence/Example of Amphitheaters:

I caught one of two afternoon performances on Tuesday in Crystal City, where the truck had pulled into the cul-de-sac behind the Courtyard Green, employing the plaza of the National Cooperative Bank building as an ersatz amphitheater.

The completed project would employ 40 to 50 people and include shooting ranges, campgrounds with cabins, an amphitheater and a training site for law enforcement and the military.

The place chosen to camp was a natural amphitheater which ran back into the mountains.

A broad terrace ran around the amphitheater at the height of the topmost row of seats.

After the amphitheater was devised the circus came to be used for races exclusively and the spna became permanent.

In the circus, too, combats of gladiators sometimes took place, but these were more frequently in the amphitheater.

The temple was built like a gigantic amphitheater, like some large bowl in which athletic contests were held.

Ravdin's signal had guided them in, and the Hunters had seen them, standing on a hilltop above the demolished amphitheater.

The Carbon Glacier's amphitheater, it will be noticed, consists really of two twin cirques, separated by an angular buttress.

How much better adapted for the accumulation of snow is the Carbon Glacier's amphitheater!