Anarchic [adjective]
Definition of Anarchic:
instigative, angering
Sentence/Example of Anarchic:
It was supposed to be democratic, but it sometimes bordered on the anarchic.
Everywhere the usual anarchic quarrels rose among the rebels, and the country was plundered mercilessly.
Discipline yourselves, wisely, in all kinds; more and more, till there be no anarchic fibre left in you.
The old and anarchic system of Dublin Castle seems to be definitely doomed.
He prefers to use the epithet "anarchic" to designate political liberalism, which he combats.
We must not think of feudalism or vassalism as of something which from the very first is anti-national and anarchic.
Rousseau never wrote anything more picturesque, nor anything more dangerous, nor more anarchic and superficially considered.
The rebels, already tired of their anarchic condition, opened their gates after a mere show of resistance.
With the new monarchy there had come into England the anarchic spirit of continental feudalism.
A Russia which remains anarchic must very quickly become the prey of her neighbours on West and East.