Anesthesia [noun]
Definition of Anesthesia:
Opposite/Antonyms of Anesthesia:
Sentence/Example of Anesthesia:
There was enough whiskey in the place to provide the new specimen with a near-total anesthesia.
Anesthesia from it sets in more rapidly and lasts longer than with cocaine.
While hypnotism can be used to produce anesthesia, it has many disadvantages.
One element that is extremely important for anesthesia is deep breathing.
Feldman operated with a pocketknife sterilized in a bottle of expensive Scotch and only anodyne tablets in place of anesthesia.
The physician bled her in a futile attempt to revive her, but she died, becoming the first known victim of inhalation anesthesia.
This may be done by making use of cocain in solution for the production of local anesthesia as in lameness of the phalanges.
Well, of course, we discussed it with Dr. Jenkins and various members of the anesthesia staff.
I think one of the residents did, one of the anesthesia residents.
At this point, he was being given blood and, of course, the suitable anesthesia measures which were oxygen under pressure.