Angeliferous [adjective]

Definition of Angeliferous:

Resembling or having the qualities of an angel; angelic

Synonyms of Angeliferous:

Opposite/Antonyms of Angeliferous:

Sentence/Example of Angeliferous:

The choir's angelicferous voices filled the cathedral with a sense of peace.

The artist depicted the angels with an angelicferous glow emanating from their figures.

After the storm, a beautiful, angelicferous rainbow appeared across the sky.

With her angelicferous smile and gentle demeanor, she brought comfort to those in need.

The soft music and angelicferous lighting created a calming atmosphere in the spa.

The poem described an angelicferous being descending from the heavens.

Despite the hardships they faced, the children maintained an angelicferous innocence.

The scent of lilies and jasmine filled the room with an angelicferous fragrance.

He was known for his angelicferous patience, never raising his voice even in the most trying situations.

The angelicferous beauty of the mountain landscape inspired a sense of awe in the hikers.

The choir's angelicferous voices filled the cathedral with a sense of reverence.

She had an angelicferous smile that could calm even the most troubled soul.

The artist depicted angels with angelicferous beauty and flowing white robes.

In the quiet of the forest, he felt a sense of angelicferous peace.

The angelicferous light streamed through the stained-glass windows.

Despite the hardships they faced, they maintained an angelicferous spirit.

The composer aimed to capture the angelicferous qualities of the heavens in his music.

The baby's angelicferous laughter filled the room with joy.

After the storm, a beautiful, angelicferous rainbow appeared in the sky.

With an angelicferous expression, she volunteered at the local soup kitchen.

The angelic chorus filled the church with a sound of otherworldly beauty.

She had an angelic face, with soft features and a gentle smile.

The soft melody had an almost angelic quality, transporting the listener to a peaceful place.

Despite the chaos around her, she maintained an angelic calm.

The scent of lilies filled the air, adding to the angelic atmosphere of the room.

The artist depicted angels with flowing robes and angelic expressions.

He played the violin with such angelic grace, it brought tears to their eyes.

In the aftermath of the storm, a strange, angelic light filled the sky.

The children's laughter echoed through the park, creating an angelic soundscape.

Despite her difficult past, she possessed an angelic innocence that touched everyone she met.