animadversion [noun]

Definition of animadversion:

harsh criticism or disapproval

Synonyms of animadversion:

Opposite/Antonyms of animadversion:

Sentence/Example of animadversion:

The mayor faced animadversion from the community for his handling of the crisis.

Her book received much animadversion from critics who felt it was poorly written.

Despite the animadversion, the artist continued to pursue his unique style.

The politician's speech was met with animadversion from the opposition party.

The manager's decision to cut costs was met with animadversion from employees.

He responded to the animadversion with a calm and measured rebuttal.

The controversial statement drew animadversion from all quarters of society.

She remained unfazed by the animadversion and stood by her principles.

The coach's animadversion of the player's performance was harsh but fair.

The report was filled with animadversion on the current state of the economy.