Annals [noun]
Definition of Annals:
Opposite/Antonyms of Annals:
Sentence/Example of Annals:
It has long since dismissed as too short and simple for its pages, the short and simple annals of the poor.
To-day I have stood in the main battery which has fired a shot establishing, in its way, a record in the annals of destruction.
Out of manifold experiences in the tragical annals of mankind came the terrible Ahriman.
No literary or artistic annals belong to this time, saving only the well-known scenes in “Nicholas Nickleby.”
Thus died the greatest statesman of the eighteenth century, and the most precocious in our annals.
And so an end to incidents as revolting as anything to be found in the lengthy annals of crime.
Friday, July 19, 1895, memorable in annals of British stage as a day set apart for one of the greatest triumphs of the Drama.
There is no more striking example in the annals of the Russian movement than that peerless Nihilist—what was his name?
His works are numerous and valuable, especially the Ecclesiastical Annals, 12 vols.
There are few such lives as those of Columbus, Washington, and Franklin, in the annals of any nation.