Apathy [noun]
Definition of Apathy:
uncaring attitude, lack of interest
Opposite/Antonyms of Apathy:
Sentence/Example of Apathy:
They need to change the conversation about their team, which is full of doubt and apathy.
Men don’t have that kind of apathy for women like Dean does.
It reflects a lack of seriousness, some ambivalence and apathy on the part of the creative community and the inability of different companies to really set in place policies and procedures that would change the status quo.
We all like to throw around terms that describe human behavior — “bystander apathy” and “steep learning curve” and “hard-wired.”
I don’t think most psychologists would use the word “apathy.”
I've been in a sort of mental apathy since I got back—the result, I suppose, of so much artistic excitement all summer.
The narrative had excited him out of his apathy and physical exhaustion, the confession shaken the rigidity from his mind.
He studied Madame Roland with even more of stoical apathy than another man would study a book which he admires.
The school-children, owing to a more liberal educational system, had lost the customary look of apathy.
From the fatal slumber of religious apathy into which the church was falling it was to be rudely awakened.