Aphorism [noun]

Definition of Aphorism:

saying expressing a belief, often true

Synonyms of Aphorism:

Opposite/Antonyms of Aphorism:


Sentence/Example of Aphorism:

He’s in his late 70s so he often speaks in aphorisms straight out of Mayberry USA.

The well-worn aphorism of the Frenchman, “History repeats itself,” was about to assert itself.

Part of the first aphorism of Hippocrates is—Ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή.

"Hit's the pore house fer a cow hand," was his terse aphorism on the subject, and Landy had never seen a "fitten" poor house.

Paragraphs sometimes close with a shorter statement of the proposition, a sort of aphorism or epigram.

For each or either of these extra-scriptural Articles of Faith the preceding Aphorism supplies a safe criterion.

Aphorism, af′or-izm, n. a concise statement of a principle in any science: a brief, pithy saying: an adage.

This aphorism calls to my mind an anecdote in the life of Daguerre, related in the first edition of this book.

As I have told you my own aphorism I feel I ought in fairness to record that of this aggrieved servant.

It is very true that only six tones instead of seven are enumerated, but we must not be too critical in dissecting an aphorism.