Apogees [noun]
Definition of Apogees:
Sentence/Example of Apogees:
When the apogee of society is reached, attacks from pygmies seem more curious than offensive.
Hatfield village touches the extremity of wretchedness, just as Hatfield House marks the apogee of late feudal splendour.
The apogee of the Company had been reached: from this time its downfall was rapid.
The first renaissance obtained its apogee toward the year 1500.
This incident of the fan marked the apogee of the first stage of Nort's career in the office of the Star.
It was a remarkable eclipse in that the Moon was within 13° of perigee and the Sun only 2° from apogee.
Yet most people think that tipping has reached its apogee in the United States!
And I have also remarked that this same Richard the Actor touched his apogee fifteen years ago and more.
This clinical form represents the most advanced degree attained by the disease; it might be called the tic's apogee.
And for Prada, this wondrously brilliant hour when good fortune and joyfulness attained their apogee, was one of defeat.