Appears [verb]
Definition of Appears:
come into sight
Synonyms of Appears:
● Emerge
● Develop
● Show
● Come out
● Surface
● Turn up
● Turn out
● Occur
● Arrive
● Come
● Show up
● Present
● Loom
● Attend
● Recur
● Spring
● Expose
● Rise
● Arise
● Issue
● Check in
● Drop in
● Pop up
● Crop up
● Blow in
● Bob up
● Clock in
● Pop in
● Punch in
● Ring in
● Roll in
● Time in
Sentence/Example of Appears:
On certain of the stems the fertile cone appears and the spores are ripened about June, after which the process withers.
The tenor dies; the prima donna appears to do the same, but the libretto consoles you by declaring that she only swoons.
This impulse to extend rule appears more plainly in many of the little ceremonial observances of the child.
Her worn-out blue petticoat is lighted up by a moonbeam; in her hand she appears to have a hoe.
(p. 054) At this period it appears that tobacco was used as money, and as the measure of price and value.
Then it appears that the rebels delayed their attack until the arrival of their chief, hourly expected.
Ordinarily the diazo appears a little earlier than the Widal reaction—about the fourth or fifth day—but it may be delayed.
Because it appears that in that ancient Accadian civilisation lie the seeds of many Bible laws and legends.
There it appears that your Majesty has ordered in this matter that consultation be held thereon.
The Vine appears at intervals, but is not general through this region: Indian Corn is also rare, and appears in small patches.