Are [verb]

Definition of Are:


Synonyms of Are:

Opposite/Antonyms of Are:

Sentence/Example of Are:

His mother pointed out the direction, and said it was called Are-ava, house-of-banyan-sticks.

If the base metals are not gold, it is only through some accidental hindrance; they are-all potentially gold.

Ahif you are so coldhow cold you are!it gives me little shivers when you look soand I am always hotLettie!

"We a-are uunder no-o-o acceleration fro-om he-ell," the literal mind told him.

And they answered, ‘We-aw-are-the-aw-Staff-aw-Department, godmother, and we are very well indeed.’

Are zigzag sticks or wands, variously painted green, yellow, red; are-carried in the hands in dances.

He has wrote with a professed design of exposing the errors and sophistry which he supposes are-204- frequent in my publications.

Yet what a slave am I!Are there not younger brothers enough, but we mustBranch one another?

This “now-we-are-strong-enough” theme runs all through the Communist propaganda on the subject.

Suppose two beds of mud hardened into rock,—A and B-are seen in section.