Arenaceous [adjective]

Definition of Arenaceous:

consisting of fine, loose grains

Synonyms of Arenaceous:

Opposite/Antonyms of Arenaceous:


Sentence/Example of Arenaceous:

Probably nine tenths of all the coast lines of the open ocean are formed of arenaceous material.

Sand-dunes in deserts or on coasts are unconsolidated arenaceous rock-masses.

Arenaceous Rocks include all sediments in which quartz sand is the most important constituent.

The scenery of its coasts is in part arenaceous plains, and in part arable land, yielding corn to the Indians.

But there are other reasons for the comparative paucity of fossils in arenaceous strata, as we shall see presently.

The Arabs say that, once "submerged" beneath the arenaceous "flood," a man loses the power to extricate himself.

I found myself when I entered in a gloomy chamber hewn out of a brown arenaceous clay.

Kelloway rock (swelling out into an important arenaceous formation).

Such are the cotton-wood and the beech-grape, species which are usually confined to the arenaceous alluvions of valleys.

The thickest deposits of this rock consist of clay and sand, alternating with marl and arenaceous limestone.