Aristocrats [noun]
Definition of Aristocrats:
privileged person
Sentence/Example of Aristocrats:
Mistress of the Chevalier de Valois, and mother of a child that was attributed to the old aristocrat.
To-morrow he would be riding towards Paris, the cavalier of a beautiful aristocrat.
You will go most easily as a woman of the people, one who has some aristocrat enemy on whom she wishes to be avenged.
Over the wine the stranger had certainly expressed distrust of Lucien Bruslart, an aristocrat turned patriot.
Bruslart knew that to pity the aristocrat might be hardly more dangerous than to abuse the woman.
"You forget perhaps that you told me there was a woman, an aristocrat, for whom you would do much," said Barrington.
The mob found her in his apartment, took her for the aristocrat, and carried her to prison in the place of mademoiselle.
From the Temple prison an aristocrat, more, a king, has been brought to answer the charges made against him.
It was in writing on these subjects that English writers borrowed the words aristocrat and democrat from the French writers.
It has been well said of him that 'he was an aristocrat by instinct and a republican by caprice.'