Artificer [noun]
Definition of Artificer:
Sentence/Example of Artificer:
Nay, fayth, thou art a reasonable neat Artificer, giue the diuell his due.
The artificer-engineer shouted, 'Now for it; don't forget what you have to do—21 knots, if she never does it again.'
Artifice, art′i-fis, n. artificer's work: a contrivance: a trick or fraud.
Gadallah worked with his father in the shop, and being a cunning artificer, assisted to support the family.
But the operations of this useful artificer were even more difficult than those of the stone-cutters.
Forest and meadow, trees and grass, all so pure and fresh, as if just from the hand of the mighty and eternal Artificer.
The artificer engineer informed me that the water was over the engine-room gratings.
At this point the chief engine-room artificer inquired if all hands were out of the engine-room.
And the celestials, glad at heart, went to Twashtri (the celestial Artificer) and spake to him of the means of victory.
First the Matter thereof, and the Artificer; both which is Man.