assuage [verb]

Definition of assuage:

  • To make an unpleasant feeling less intense. (Verb)
  • To satisfy an appetite or desire. (Verb)

Synonyms of assuage:

Opposite/Antonyms of assuage:

Sentence/Example of assuage:

He tried to assuage his guilt by apologizing.

The nurse gave the patient medicine to assuage the pain.

Her kind words helped assuage his fears.

Nothing could assuage her grief after the loss.

He drank water to assuage his thirst.

The government took steps to assuage public anger.

She tried to assuage her hunger with a small snack.

The teacher’s explanation assuaged the students' confusion.

He used humor to assuage the tension in the room.

The company offered refunds to assuage customer complaints.

She found it difficult to assuage her worry about the exam.

The rain helped to assuage the drought conditions.

He sent flowers to assuage her sadness.

The financial aid package assuaged their concerns about tuition costs.

He listened to music to assuage his loneliness.

The CEO's speech was intended to assuage the investors' concerns.

She took a walk to assuage her frustration.

The promise of a vacation assuaged his stress from work.

His efforts to assuage the conflict were successful.

The reassurance from her friend helped to assuage her anxiety.