Assurednesses [noun]
Definition of Assurednesses:
Synonyms of Assurednesses:
Sentence/Example of Assurednesses:
This would enable me to proceed in the difficult path before me with more assuredness.
Coming into His presence we recognise the assuredness of perfect knowledge, the simplicity of perfect truth.
Ralegh speaks of him as a well descended gentleman, of great assuredness, and of a great heart.
All this was said in a voice of sweet modulation and assuredness, a smile lighting up her face as she spoke.
He hated that spirit of absolute assuredness so inseparably bound up with the reformers.
His assuredness in ordering me to leave made prompt and decisive action necessary on my part.
And Nan and Patty, in their gay moods and their happy self-assuredness, seemed as if of a different race of beings from herself.
In the next place, this discovery came with a certain assuredness.
His courage and his skill in weapons gave him assuredness and ease at the time of an encounter.
But the sense of peace, of blessed assuredness, remained with her.