Astray [adjective]

Definition of Astray:

off the path or right direction

Synonyms of Astray:

Opposite/Antonyms of Astray:

Sentence/Example of Astray:

Many shall come in my name, saying, 'I am he,' and shall lead many astray.

And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray.

Directors sometimes go astray and cases are constantly arising to determine their liability.

A repair to the car delayed us and we went several miles astray on the road.

For as it was your mind to go astray from God; so when you return again you shall seek him ten times as much.

It seems probable that he must have been kidnapped when very young, or found while astray in the woods.

But, Daughter, there are many things in the world that look beautiful to the eye but tend to lead the soul astray.

Possibly he was led astray also by his desire to create an epic poem, in which a visit to the lower regions is a necessity.

Now and then they went astray at that, and once they tilted into the ditch and had hard pulling to get out.

Thomas affects me as a lie—I beg your pardon; doubtless 277 he was somebody you knew; that leads people so far astray.