Asymmetrical [adjective]

Definition of Asymmetrical:


Synonyms of Asymmetrical:

Opposite/Antonyms of Asymmetrical:


Sentence/Example of Asymmetrical:

Besides this, there is commonly some abnormality in the shape of the head, or the cranium is distinctly asymmetrical.

The tail is asymmetrical (heterocercal), and numerous placoid scales (dermal denticles) are embedded in the skin.

Some points are asymmetrical due to variation in depth and location of notches.

Ventral tentacular cirrus of second somite of a thin or foliaceous and asymmetrical form.

The neurocirri similar but more asymmetrical, the upper margin straight or concave, the lower convex.

Almost every Zoque woman is asymmetrical, from this mode of carrying babies, one shoulder being much higher than the other.

But little change was made until Heiberg, in 1863, advocated the division into symmetrical and asymmetrical forms.

Valve symmetrical in zone and valve view along the sagittal line, but asymmetrical to the transverse axis, cuneate.

Valve linear-lanceolate with produced rostrate apices, asymmetrical, sigmoid; pseudoraphe narrow; pseudo-nodule large.

Valve boat-shaped; median line asymmetrical, straight or curved.