Ataxias [noun]

Definition of Ataxias:

confused state

Opposite/Antonyms of Ataxias:

Sentence/Example of Ataxias:

At times locomotor ataxia begins with very severe pain seizures, known as crises.

Hence it is that paresis and locomotor ataxia are comparatively quite common among actors, brokers, and financiers.

A physician wrote me, taking me to task for listing among the cures reported in my tabulation a case of locomotor ataxia.

Locomotor ataxia was the least she might expect from her description of her feelings.

May his unsightly face, and more hideous body dislocate itself in a deceitful ataxia (for they're still at these old tricks)!

She married a thirty-year-old active business man, in whom ataxia developed a year after marriage.

Paralysis is also met with in certain nervous diseases, as in locomotor ataxia, and in various cerebral lesions, as in apoplexy.

The same fact has been observed in a variety of other diseases, such as locomotor ataxia.

Consequently it would be indicated under all circumstances where a nervous affection seemed to depend upon a state of ataxia.

The importance of locomotor ataxia and paresis in persons who carry heavy responsibilities is very great.