Atrabilious [adjective]

Definition of Atrabilious:

perversely irritable

Synonyms of Atrabilious:

Opposite/Antonyms of Atrabilious:

Sentence/Example of Atrabilious:

The country has its eye on that knot of atrabilious Liberals whose voice is that of Jacob, but whose hands are the hands of Esau.

It was his wife, Petronille, still young and passing handsome, but of atrabilious and harsh mien.

His appreciation of men, their character, their talents, their designs—all bear the hue of the atrabilious journalist.

Mrs. Croaker, the very reverse of her grumbling, atrabilious husband.

Foreigners and long-haired æsthetes were one and the same thing to my atrabilious instructor.

The article came to us just as we were laboring under an attack of dyspepsia, and its reading fairly shook our atrabilious corpus.

Regnard, the author of the last French comedy after Molire, was atrabilious; and Molire himself, saturnine.

An atrabilious monk in his garret vented his spleen with more than usual acrimony, and the world applauded.

Ariosto is playful, Aretino scurrilous, Alamanni peevish, Folengo atrabilious.

After his conversion he made amends, though he was always the atrabilious faultfinder.