Attorney [noun]
Definition of Attorney:
Opposite/Antonyms of Attorney:
Sentence/Example of Attorney:
Alternative Staffing, which was mentioned in the attorney general’s lawsuit but was not a party to it, did not respond to a request for comment.
Dunleavy chose Clarkson as attorney general in December 2018.
Lisa Sarro, the former supervising attorney, estimated that the legal aid office defended or advised more than 100 HACA residents in the past two years.
If city officials or its attorneys had any concerns at the time, they didn’t voice them publicly.
The outbreak comes as tensions have been mounting locally between federal defense attorneys and prosecutors over practices during the pandemic.
After we filed suit last month, an attorney for the city confirmed to Tinkov those records were likely unrecoverable.
An attorney for the city acknowledged last month that officials deleted emails after we’d requested them.
In response, the city attorneys have agreed to halt the email deletion system and discuss the 100-day email deletion policy in closed session with the City Council later this month.
Even so, James Parker, one of the attorneys investigating the debacle, revealed at a Thursday City Council meeting that what had sounded like a $5 million benefit wasn’t exactly that.
State law allows large cities to pursue people and businesses who engage in unfair and fraudulent practices, and a chief deputy city attorney told us that his staff have investigated hundreds of complaints during the pandemic.