Auditive [adjective]

Definition of Auditive:


Synonyms of Auditive:

Opposite/Antonyms of Auditive:


Sentence/Example of Auditive:

They are of two orders; the purely auditive, and the intellectual or moral.

Exceptional visual and auditive imaging power are rarely present in the same individual.

He was a rapid mental calculator, using auditive imagery rather than visual.

He is an "auditive" as well as a "visualist," to employ the precious classification of the psychiatrists.

Simply because our auditive perception has assumed the habit of saturating itself with visual images.

The visual sense had here been rapidly replaced by the tactual and auditive senses.

What we call the auditive organ is in the lower animals simply a sac containing auditive stones.

But besides the auditive function, Weber's ossicles may perfectly well discharge some other function.