Ave [noun]

Definition of Ave:

last-ditch effort

Synonyms of Ave:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ave:


Sentence/Example of Ave:

"The feelin' you 'ave in your 'eart for a father, wot's planted there by Providence," explained Jane.

I went over a-purpose to 'ave a look at it the last 'oliday I took, and I was quite surprised to find 'ow very inferior it was.

"Repeat, then, your Pater and Ave." Being terrified she hesitated, and was instantly knocked down with a musket.

When yer stays willin'-like, as yer will all too soon, then yer'll 'ave yer liberty.

When we go out at morning break I 'ave a word to say to yer.

But then, agen, they'd 'ave to consider as it wor diamonds as you tuk.

You were born for a mansion, an' I 'ope you'll always 'ave one to live in.'

I suppose it's some o' your college friends as 'ave asked you?

W'atever would your ma 'ave said if she'd seen you, I can't think.'

I 'aven't come to sharin' my butler's 'ouse,' said Mrs Clay, bridling.