Backslides [verb]
Definition of Backslides:
go astray
Sentence/Example of Backslides:
They will no longer be tolerated, nor will converted Israel backslide again.
If thou turn us not, we shall never turn; it is in our nature to backslide for ever.
It is a thing of very common occurrence, inside the different denominations, for their members to backslide, as they call it.
But one must go forward before one can backslide, and Kedzie was on the way up the slippery hill.
Many of Balzac's women repent, and many of those that repent either backslide or come very near to it.
How many new converts who remain feeble; how many who fall into sin; how many who backslide entirely.
It is possible for every sinner to turn to God and escape punishment, and conversely for a righteous man to backslide and fall.
Having slept in a duchess's bed, Kedzie would not backslide.
It is not that all those who thus sadly backslide are allowed to fall into open sin.
And I did hope that the convert was not tempted to backslide and swerve from the truth in his answers.