Baldachins [noun]
Definition of Baldachins:
overhanging covering
Opposite/Antonyms of Baldachins:
Sentence/Example of Baldachins:
Under the baldachin hovered a gilded Cupid, spotted and faded, with his arrow aimed at the bed.
His peculiar use of a very stiff baldachin made people say that he was a master of Raphael.
I take the shrine to be a work of the thirteenth century, though the baldachin is no doubt of later date.
Then he took his stand in front of the theatrical chair under the faded baldachin, and sucked at his upper lip.
From the coffered ceiling hangs the metal baldachin, like a precious lantern's chain without a lamp.
The retablo of Gerona cathedral and its baldachin date from the fourteenth century.
She stared up at the tasseled baldachin with its furled draperies, and fingered the lace covering and the silken comforter.
Each wheel bears the image of the sun, and six pillars, surmounted by a golden drapery, form a sort of baldachin over the car.
The chief object of veneration is placed beneath a costly baldachin in the middle room.
Between the apsis and the nave stood the altar, or rather the common table, canopied by a baldachin supported by columns.