Bale [noun]
Definition of Bale:
Opposite/Antonyms of Bale:
Sentence/Example of Bale:
Each thing bore on his back a bale of goods, or a bar of metal, a burden sizeable enough for two ordinary men.
It takes 75,000 of them to make one bale of cotton, so I'm afraid you couldn't make even a handkerchief out of these.
There was also a large bale of things like cigarettes and gloves from other associations, but nothing to touch your consignments.
Every bale was turned over, and the length verified to ascertain the exact value of the remnant.
There was Old Slade, from over on the bluff opposite, slyly cutting a sliver of salt fish from one in the bale upon which he sat.
I was to Spoutin' Springs, twenty mile west, with a bale o' blue fox an' otter pelt.
But where now is the one-masted Hercules, which but a moment since went trembling at the bale of her own bellowing barbettes?
It is needless to say that this kept Si warmer than a whole bale of flannel shirts would have done.
Take them, Don Alexandro Morton, and with them all that they unlock for bliss or bale.
Henry, a big strong fellow, could raise a bale of cotton over his head.