Balloting [noun]

Definition of Balloting:

casting votes

Synonyms of Balloting:

Opposite/Antonyms of Balloting:


Sentence/Example of Balloting:

Balloting continued at the three polls of the three Union offices for two succeeding days.

The sooner the public balloting is relegated to the same agency the better it will be for the dispatch of public business.

However, on April 5, 1541, the balloting took place; those who were absent sending their votes by messenger.

The balloting took place on November 15, and Mutio was chosen by thirty-nine out of seventy-five votes.

On the third day it was certain that balloting would begin, and crowds hurried to the Wigwam in a fever of curiosity.

When other names had been duly presented, the cheering at length subsided, and the chairman announced that balloting would begin.

For if the numbers are chosen by balloting, they will be less liable to the influence of party.

On balloting for a Doorkeeper, the whole number of votes was 116, of which Thomas Claxton had 115.

Each of us was allowed to send a brief heliogram, balloting for turn.

He was easily the second candidate in the race, as the balloting showed, and his availability was in many respects superb.