Ban [noun]
Definition of Ban:
official forbiddance
Sentence/Example of Ban:
We no longer live in an age when down-trodden laborers meet by candlelight with the ban of the law upon their meeting.
Weary of their ungodliness the Church placed its ban upon them under this ban it seems they die.
Even when Christianity fell under the ban of persecution that freedom of sepulture was not at first interfered with.
For ten years Matthew and Mary lived happily together, or would have been happy if it had not been for the ban of the church.
"Aye ban tank we joost get it nice quiet van you come back again," Anderson remarked in mock melancholy.
The undertaker, the dentist, the ice-man, the retail shoe man are under the ban.
In fact, the ban is on the Jew as completely in America as in Russia.
"Yes," said Dink, thinking only of the ban of excommunication.
In July 1546 they were placed under the imperial ban, and the war began in the valley of the Danube.
What if my house be troubled with a rat, And I be pleas'd to give ten thousand ducats To have it ban'd?