Befuddled [adjective]

Definition of Befuddled:


Synonyms of Befuddled:

Opposite/Antonyms of Befuddled:

Sentence/Example of Befuddled:

Why, she got befuddled in reciting something about an Indian uprising that came in our American History hour.

His wild escape—his coming to this unknown place—and now this befuddled young fellow intent upon battle with him.

I can't make head or tail of them, and I think my brother is about as much befuddled as I am.

Noll had been drinking that day; he was befuddled; his brain was thick.

He checked, searching his befuddled mind for a compelling threat.

Sometimes Spear would be there, sardonically witty, drinking heavily but never befuddled by his liquor.

His frequent libations had so befuddled him that he had almost forgotten the object of his visit.

Rubbing his eyes, he tried to recall how he came there, and slowly his befuddled brain began to work.

The befuddled swain, after a dazed interval, attempted to follow, but Francisco flung him back.

By-and-by's eyes began to glitter as the meaning of the words sifted through his befuddled mind.