Behinds [adverb]
Definition of Behinds:
position farther back; following
Sentence/Example of Behinds:
Joe looked at her with a smile, his face still solemn and serious for all its youth and the fires of new-lit hope behind his eyes.
More soldiers crowded into the cave and Professor-Commander Krafft came in behind them.
In treble, second and fourth, the first change is a dodge behind; and the second time the treble leads, there's a double Bob.
The Seven-score and four on the six middle Bells, the treble leading, and the tenor lying behind every change, makes good Musick.
I seized the opportunity to watch what I supposed would be a most interesting interview, from behind a curtain.
The Indian turned his head, and spoke to some one behind; one after another a score of figures rose.
At the same moment the door was thrown open, and Mrs. Gordon appeared on the threshold with a gentleman behind her.
In the centre of the room is an oval table; some dozen men are sitting at it; as many more stand behind their chairs.
Presently there was a clattering of hoofs behind him, and Ribsy came galloping along the road, with nothing on him but his collar.
The lady in black, creeping behind them, looked a trifle paler and more jaded than usual.