betoken [verb]

Definition of betoken:

To be a sign or indication of something; to suggest or foreshadow something to come.

Synonyms of betoken:

Opposite/Antonyms of betoken:

Sentence/Example of betoken:

The dark clouds betokened an approaching storm.

Her nervous laughter betokened her anxiety about the presentation.

The early morning fog betokened a long and humid day.

The sudden silence in the room betokened something serious about to happen.

The rising stock prices betokened a strong economy.

The discovery of ancient ruins betokened a long-lost civilization.

The wilting flowers betokened a lack of water.

Her kind smile betokened a friendly and welcoming personality.

The rumbling of the engines betokened the train's departure.

The rising smoke from the chimney betokened a cozy fire burning inside.

Her nervous laughter betokened her anxiety about the interview.

The mayor's optimistic speech betokened a brighter future for the city.

The sudden silence in the classroom betokened trouble brewing.

The scientist's breakthrough betokened a new era of medical discovery.

The flickering lights betokened a possible power outage.

Despite her confident smile, her body language betokened her doubts.

The rising stock price betokened a period of economic growth.

The ancient prophecy betokened the arrival of a great leader.

His kind smile betokened his genuine hospitality.

The sudden silence in the room betokened something was wrong.

The doctor's frown betokened bad news for the patient.

The cracks in the foundation betokened structural problems in the house.

Despite the challenges, their teamwork betokened success in the long run.