Birddogged [verb]
Definition of Birddogged:
Opposite/Antonyms of Birddogged:
Sentence/Example of Birddogged:
Fourteen genera, representing about 19 species, of Mallophaga are reported for 20 different species of bird hosts.
A little boy of four was moved to passionate grief at the sight of a dead dog taken from a pond.
A was an Archer, who shot at a frog; B was a Butcher, and had a great dog.
The grass had a delightful fragrance, like new-mown hay, and was neatly wound around the tunnel, like the inside of a bird's-nest.
The dog stood with hanging head and tail, as if ashamed he had let so many of his enemies get away unharmed.
Many of his bird neighbors,p. 31 for instance, liked the same things to eat that he did.
These words were uttered in a guarded whisper by a boy about seventeen years of age, to a great dog that stood by his side.
At the word of command, the dog crouched down, his whole body quivering with excitement.
Although the bird people didn't know it, he was anxious to reach his grandchildren.
And then Jolly Robin would feel ashamed that he had even thought of being so cruel to an infant bird, even if he was a Cowbird.