Bitingly [adverb]

Definition of Bitingly:


Synonyms of Bitingly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Bitingly:


Sentence/Example of Bitingly:

You will be absolutely certain of that in a very short time, Locke retorted bitingly.

"You deserve all the punishment you are enduring," I bitingly told him.

Now he felt much comfort where he sat; the night was really cold, bitingly cold, and it was a glorious fire.

His chapter on "Some Form Masters" is a thing of the purest joy; bitingly true, yet withal of a kindly sympathy with his victims.

"You never will learn how to manage good stock," Martin criticized bitingly.

Belmont was reached after dark; the troops were without over-coats or blankets, and the night was bitingly cold.

When she asked him a little bitingly what form his disciplined energy would take, he promptly answered: "Irrigation."

It was a very dubious-looking, nay, a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless.

The hour was now late—the streets deserted—the air bitingly cold.

"I do not consider the statue of a naked woman art, even if it is called 'Dawn,'" he said bitingly.