Blissful [adjective]
Definition of Blissful:
Synonyms of Blissful:
● Heavenly
● Dreamy
● Joyous
● Beatific
● Cool
● Crazy
● Ecstatic
● Elated
● Floating
● Flying
● Gone
● Joyful
● Mad
● Sent
● Euphoric
Sentence/Example of Blissful:
A mere half-hour at the market will generate the same blissful reaction.
The bean-bag-esque filling creates a sort of weighted blanket effect for one’s eyeballs, making it easier to drift off into blissful inner silence while you’re meditating or napping.
That makes our daydreams deeply intertwined with our emotions, hence why on duller days we might imagine more blissful scenes.
I spent multiple blissful walks listening to it this summer … I finally watched the three-part docuseries Inside Bill’s Brain, the all-access and slightly puffy deep dive on Netflix into Bill Gates by Davis Guggenheim.
It can be absolutely blissful when a kitty falls asleep purring in your lap.
The story was brought to a proper and blissful conclusion; still Sue was sleepless.
Overflowing with blissful excitement, I rushed into the house to tell mother the joyful news.
Jessie lay back and closed her eyes with a blissful sense of freedom from danger.
I have been awake all this long night, thinking of thee, my Algernon, and longing for the blissful hour of meeting.
But he fell asleep very quickly, still with the same look of blissful triumph on his face.