Blithely [adverb]

Definition of Blithely:


Synonyms of Blithely:

Opposite/Antonyms of Blithely:

Sentence/Example of Blithely:

The members of the choir are of a brisk, warbling turn of mind, and can push through their work blithely.

I was vexed, but my ill-humor seemed to add to her high spirits, and she talked away quite blithely.

When the dusk was come my uncle would turn blithely from this melancholy contemplation and call for a lamp and his bottle.

The rover blithely promised to pay him back in two monthly payments.

Miss Lawrence began to give out the words, and the children spelled away blithely.

We rushed in blithely the other day to talk to a woman's club up New York State on how to bring up children.

Blithely opening the door of the office, Mike the Angel stepped inside with a smile on his lips.

At the same time they blithely ignored the duties of charity and hated each other to death.

Tekana, the son of Msiza, rose blithely in the blithe early morning before the sun had peeped over the rim of the world.

His earlier self, who had blithely toured Valier trailing the microphone wires without any real premonition of trouble.